Clean, Lean & Green Nutrition with Kim
Transform Your Body & Thrive
Fall 2024
Welcome to Our
Sexy & Fabulous Weight Management Programs

Look Amazing, Feel Great & Live Well
"Sexy & Fabulous"
14 Day Veggie Cleanse Plus
(Detox Program)
Option 1
My program is for optimal detoxification and overall health. This is a health detox/cleanse program that is low allergen designed to reduce inflammation and the digestive system a break from toxins and chemicals found in heavily processed foods.
Organic and seasonal foods are best options when available, and fresh foods are better than processed or prepackaged foods. 14 day your body will never be the same. Try this paleo cleanse.
You will have 2 shakes per day, 1 clean meal and all the snacks you like, that are on your food guide list. Try our 14 day, "Sexi & Fabulous" detox paleo cleanse program.
Pre-measured packages comes in one Flavor only: Berry/Vanilla
Other Programs:
Try our 14 Day Weight Management Program
21 Day Program for greater results or
30 Day ~360 Program for optimum results
All kits contains: Pure Pea Protein powder, 28 Packets:
Healthy shopping list & recipes.
Paleo Meal dairy free Powder.
Supplements: Amino D-Tox Capsules help to cleanse liver, blood, lymph and kidneys.
Hydrolyzyme Capsules helps with digestion.
Program Guidebook
Shaker Bottle
Coaching session with Kim

Program Investment, $275 Plus Shipping
“At first I was relectant, but after the second session I had a break through with Kim about my food issues. I'm glad that I did this coaching program.”
B. Bradford, 28
“After I completed my 2 month nutrition coaching program and 14 day detox cleanse with Kim, I just signed up today to do the Weight Management Program."
Allow up 2 weeks for delivery
Feel Sexy & Fabulous

"Sexy & Fabulous"
14 Day Veggie Lean Body
(Weight Management)
Option 2
After you complete your 14 Day Sexi & Fabulous Detox Cleanse program and your system is ready, try our 14 Day Weight Management program to drop more lbs. The PaleoMeal® Plus Lean Body Program is designed to support healthy weight loss and successful weight maintenance by helping individuals lose fat while maintaining lean muscle.
The program is easy to follow, which translates into high compliance and great outcomes. The simple steps to success are highlighted in the patient guidebook, which is included in every program kit.
Pre-measured packages include 28 packets in Chocolate or Vanilla flavors. You are allowed (2) Shakes along with (1) full meal per day and healthy snacks.
Other Programs
Try our Paleo Meal Plus 14 Day Detox Program
21 Day Paleo Clease Program or
30 Day~ 360 Health Program for optimum results.
All kits contains: 28 single serving
Paleo Meal dairy free powder.
Healthy shopping list & receipes.
28 sing serving Weight Loss Support Packets
Supplements: Thermo-EFX, Carnitine Synergy, and Endo Trim (take 2 capules ea).
Program Guidebook
Shaker Bottle
Coaching Session with Kim

Lean Program Investment, $255 Plus Shipping
Comes in 2 Flavors - Chocolate or Vanilla

"What is the Secret to Looking Younger?
"A Healthy, Clean & Green Diet,
Loving Community With Others &
Joy of Physical Movement Forever!"
I struggled with my Nutrition & Diet on various health issues. I suffered for many years not knowing the right foods to eat that could change my condition and overcome my
health challenges.
What I did know...
If I cleaned up my diet,
I could improve my overall health. I did just that and got back in the gym.
Now, no more suffering.
I'm Free...I have improved health.
In fact, my overall well-being is restored.
I have fallen back in Love with "Whole Foods"
I'm not in bondage of eating certain foods.
I now eat Lean, Clean & Green!
I've never felt so good about my health!
And you can too.
My 14 Day Program is a great
jumpstrart to kick you back in Great Health!
Kim Evans, Health Coach
Build a Healthy Gut
Probiotic Supreme
Allow up 2 weeks for delivery

Ask About Our Probiotic
Probiotic Supreme DF™ is a higher dose, dairy-free alternative to our Probiotic Synergy™, delivering 15 billion organisms per dose in a caplet form – and using the same advanced patented delivery system to ensure delivery of the highest number of live organisms to the intestinal tract.
““After trying Kim's 14 day Sexi & Fabulous Detox Cleanse & Weight Loss Program, I lost 8 lbs. My tummy is flatter & feels better " K. Lassiter,